Why do we do this to ourselves ?

“Why do we do this to ourselves”? My friends and I kept asking ourselves that question as the three of us were about to move abroad for an other year, each of us in a different country. We were sitting in a bar together for the first time since we had gotten back from Canada…

Going home & reverse culture shock

“You can’t go back home to your family, back home to your childhood, back home to romantic love, back home to a young man’s dreams of glory and of fame…

A quoi s’attendre en Asie ?

Avant d’aller en Asie, j’étais pleine d’appréhensions. Je croyais que j’allais être au milieu de la jungle, avec rien de civilisé à proximité. Mais où allais-je donc pouvoir trouver du shampoing? de l’eau? à manger??? En fait non. Alors pour vous épargnez de grands moments d’inquiétudes je vous ai préparé un petit article qui récapitule…

Mes bonnes adresses à Prague

Prague est une ville magnifique et vraiment pas chère qui a tout à offrir. Voici les 6 bonnes adresses que je recommande pour manger, danser, boire, dormir ou avoir une vue imprenable sur la ville… #1 Irma Guga  La bonne adresse pour se régaler à Prague pour rien du tout! Sur recommandation du réceptionniste de l’auberge…

Photographs from the Mojave Desert

Some friends and I went on a road trip from LA to Vegas in 2010, I can safely say that I fell in love with this place and how much of the sky you can see all at once! I have recently set up a facebook page – feel free to like it for more…

Why backpacking makes you less materialistic

One of the thrills of being a backpacker is that you carry everything you own on your back. As a consequence, you obviously don’t want to carry heavy things around; you tend to get rid of useless things. When I got home after living in Australia for a year, I was overwhelmed by how much…

New York under the snow

The recent snow storm in New York city reminded me of my stay there over christmas in 2010. It snowed about 60cm in one night, which completely changed the way I got to experience the city, suddenly it was so peaceful and quiet, and, obviously, so beautiful ! I had already been to NYC about…